Senior Services

NHID's mission is to promote a safe and competitive insurance marketplace through enforcing New Hampshire's insurance laws. We are dedicated to doing so honestly, effectively, and promptly.

Information sources and links for senior citizens.

Companies Offering Annuities with LTC Riders (Hybrid Annuities)

This list is compiled from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Market Conduct Annual Statement submitted annually by insurance companies.

Please contact companies to determine if they are currently selling Hybrid Annuities in NH.

NAIC # Group Code # Company Name Phone Number Domicile State
62286 707 Forethought Life Ins Co 1‐866‐645‐2449 IN
62286 707 Golden Rule Ins Co 1‐800‐657‐8205 IN
63312 84 Great American Life Ins Co 1‐800‐854‐3649 OH
69116 619 State Life Ins Co 1‐800‐428‐2316 IN