High-Cost Prescription Drugs

Information about high-cost prescription drug costs.

  • On February 10, 2020, the legislature enacted HB 703 relative to new high-cost prescription drugs. The law requires a prescription drug manufacturer to notify the Insurance Department “if it is introducing a new prescription drug to market at a wholesale acquisition cost that exceeds the threshold set for a specialty drug under the Medicare Part D program.” RSA 318:68, I.
  • Bulletin: HB 703, New High-Prescription Drugs

Information must be submitted to the Department using the following template:

New High Cost Drugs Introduced in New Hampshire

Prescription drug manufacturers are required by New Hampshire law to provide certain notice to the Insurance Department if they are introducing a new prescription drug to market at a wholesale acquisition cost that exceeds the threshold set for a specialty drug under the Medicare Part D program (House Bill 703, NH RSA 318:67-68, III).

For prior high-cost drug reports please click here