
Welcome to the Insurance Department Fraud Unit

NH Insurance Department Fraud Unit

Created by the NH Legislature in 1993, the New Hampshire Insurance Fraud Unit (NHIFU) is comprised of a staff of four.  They investigate and assist in the criminal prosecution of all Insurance-related crimes throughout the State of New Hampshire.  The Fraud Unit processes an average of over 300 fraud referrals each year. NH RSA 417:28 requires all insurers to report suspected insurance fraud to the NH Insurance Department fraud unit. Pursuant to NH RSA 417:30 all insurers are also required to have antifraud initiatives in place that will result in the detection, prosecution, and prevention of fraudulent insurance acts.

The Fraud Unit has a fraud outreach program. Staff will schedule community visits to discuss insurance fraud, its consequences, and how to recognize and prevent it. To set up an appointment for a fraud presentation before your group or to report a possible insurance fraud crime, please call 1-800-852-3416.


Fraud Referral Form:

  • Fraud Referral Form - Insurers & Individuals can use this form to report suspected insurance fraud.
