Flood and Storm Information

NHID's mission is to promote a safe and competitive insurance marketplace through enforcing New Hampshire's insurance laws. We are dedicated to doing so honestly, effectively, and promptly.

Consumer Resources Regarding Flood Coverage and Related Storm Information

Flood insurance is regulated by FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). For more information, including preparing for flooding, submitting a claim, flood maps, and purchasing flood insurance coverage, visit https://floodsmart.gov.

After The Flood Hits

Answers to Common Questions About Flood-Related Property Damage

Do homeowners’ insurance policies cover flooding?

Homeowners' policies DO NOT cover most flooding. You need a separate flood insurance policy to protect your home and belongings against flood damage.

Do automobile insurance policies cover flooding?

Yes, if you purchased comprehensive coverage. If you only have liability coverage, your vehicle is not covered for flooding.

Can I buy flood insurance if my property has flooded in the past?

Yes, even if your home has been flooded before. However, there may be a 30-day delay before flooding is covered. See your insurance agent for details.

Will federal disaster assistance pay for my flood damage?

You may be eligible for federal disaster assistance if your home is in a federally declared disaster area.

My neighbor’s tree fell on my property and caused damage. Is the neighbor’s homeowners’ insurance company responsible for payment of my repairs?

Generally speaking, if your neighbor’s healthy tree falls on your home, fence, or other property, it is your insurance company’s responsibility to pay for repairing the damage. Your neighbor’s insurer would probably only accept liability and pay for the damage if the tree was dead or weakened in such a way that the owner should have known it was dangerous before it fell.

If I am not satisfied with the service that my insurance company has given me, how do I file a complaint with the Department of Insurance?

All complaints should be submitted in writing to the Department of Insurance. You can call us for a form at 800-852-3416 or 603-271- 2261 or complete the written form and submit it to the New Hampshire Department of Insurance.

I don’t know how to get in touch with my insurance company.

Contact the New Hampshire Department of Insurance. We have staff standing by during business hours to answer your insurance-related questions and provide guidance and information, including contact information for insurance agents and companies.