UCAA - Foreign Company

NHID's mission is to promote a safe and competitive insurance marketplace through enforcing New Hampshire's insurance laws. We are dedicated to doing so honestly, effectively, and promptly.

Uniform Certificate of Authority Application for Foreign Insurance Companies
The following are the filing requirements for a foreign company for admission in the State of New Hampshire. New Hampshire accepts the Uniform Certificate of Authority Application. Please note that the New Hampshire Insurance Department follows the NAIC UCAA application guidelines.

  • UCAA Application - file Expansion Application, Chapter 401 – List of New Hampshire Paragraphs.
  • Cover sheet to be submitted with application --NEW--
  • Filing fee* Fee is the higher of New Hampshire's fee of $1,000 or the company's state of domicile. Make check payable to "Treasurer, State of New Hampshire." *All fees are retaliatory and non-refundable.
  • New Hampshire Guaranty Association information (Life Application and Life Plan of Operations additional information is available on the NHLHIGA website at https://www.nhlifega.org/AdditionalInfo), (P&C Forms, Guaranty Assoc. Acknowledgement). Please send the original application to the appropriate New Hampshire Guaranty Association (Life or P&C). Send a copy of the form to the NHID, attention: Linda M. Zalinskie. The company should not join the guaranty association until the New Hampshire Insurance Department requests them to do so. When the company is approved for licensing, we will then require the company to join the appropriate guaranty fund.
  • Seasoning requirements – The company must be in business for at least 5 years.
  • New Hampshire has a meaningful business requirement - RSA 405:12. The Commissioner has determined that $200,000 in direct premiums written in New Hampshire each year is considered a meaningful business. Newly licensed companies are expected to reach this requirement by the third year after their initial license.
  • The NH Insurance Commissioner may require a newly licensed company to obtain a minimum security deposit of $500,000 for the benefit of all NH policyholders.

Please forward the application to the New Hampshire Insurance Department, Financial Regulation Division.

If you have any questions, contact Linda M. Zalinskie.